Learn the requirements for pet licensing and how to attain it for your furry friend.
Stay on the right side of the law: know when to license your pet
Did you know that not every municipality has the same laws regarding pet licensing and that many don’t even use a municipal Animal Control Officer?
Whiting Veterinary Clinic has compiled a short list of local towns, their licensing time frames, and who to contact for animal control services.
Whiting falls under the jurisdiction of Manchester Township and licenses dogs annually during the month of JUNE ONLY.
(Manchester/Whiting does not currently require pet licenses for cats.) Proof of current rabies vaccination is required.
Animal Control Services:
Margaret Dellapietro
Telephone: 732-657-2009 ext. 4606
The Manchester Township Animal Control Officer is available from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday thru Friday (except holidays).
Toms River/Dover Township:
Dover Township falls under the jurisdiction of Manchester Township and licenses cats AND dogs annually from January 1st to December 31st. Proof of current rabies vaccination is required.
Animal Control Services:
Toms River Municipal Animal Control
Telephone: 732-341-1000 ext. 8450
Toms River Township Animal Control is available from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday thru Friday (except holidays).
Lacey/Forked River/Lanoka Harbor:
Forked River and Lanoka Harbor fall under the jurisdiction of Lacey Township and licenses DOGS ONLY annually for the period of July 1st to June 30th. Proof of current rabies vaccination and spay/neuter is required. Licenses go on sale the first Monday in May.
Animal Control Services:
A-Academy Animal Control
Telephone: 1-800-624-1709
A-Academy is available Mon-Fri from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and Sat-Sun 8:00 am to 4:00 pm