Pet Spay, Neuter & Surgical Procedures

Whiting Veterinary Clinic in Whiting, NJ, offers comprehensive pet spay, neuter, and surgical procedures to contribute to your pet’s overall health and promote responsible pet ownership.

Spays, Neuters and Soft Tissue Surgeries

The best part of having three veterinarians on your team is that they each bring their strengths to any situation. At Whiting Veterinary Clinic we’re fortunate enough to have talented Veterinarians skilled in soft tissue surgeries such as spays, neuters, and mass removals. In addition to practicing general veterinary medicine, Dr. Meghan Knox is charged with most of the clinic’s soft tissue surgeries and handles nearly all of the spay and neuter procedures.

No matter the talent, no one veterinarian does it all alone, and that’s why Whiting Veterinary Clinic went through an extensive vetting process to hire only the best surgical technicians to support our veterinarians. When requesting surgical or dental estimates, your primary contact points will be Surgical Technician team members Amy and Tony Diaz. Amy and Tony handle everything from generating estimates and surgical intake to anesthesia monitoring and recovery.

a vet wearing a mask and giving a thumbs up

Why Choose Whiting Veterinary Clinic?

When you’re seeking veterinary care, it’s worth your time to investigate exactly WHAT services you’re getting for your money. Most low-cost spay and neuter clinics are able to charge lower bills by only offering the actual procedure without other necessary aspects of care, such as:

  • Pre-op examination, bloodwork, and diagnostics to assess overall health (these can prevent the likelihood of possible complications)
  • Anesthesia administration, monitoring, and proper use of pain-relieving medication
  • Access to emergency life-saving equipment and personnel in the case of emergency
  • Staff and Facilities to monitor post-op recovery

The value in choosing Whiting Veterinary Clinic as your surgery suite for spaying and neuters doesn’t stop there. Let’s take a minute to discuss aftercare. Low-cost spay and neuter clinics do not generally provide post-op aftercare for your pet. They will likely refer you to your regular veterinarian, which only compounds the overall cost of the procedure. At Whiting Veterinary Clinic, pre and post-operative care are included in the total estimate for every surgical procedure our veterinarians provide. Quality aftercare includes the following:

  • Personalized next-day phone follow up
  • FREE scheduled post-op examination to assess progress
  • FREE suture (stitch) removal and evaluation of medications

NO hidden fees, NO surprise treatments. Leave the jumping through hoops to our four-legged friends.

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